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H125 HESLO / Sling Load Operation

The world’s first realistic professional HESLO – Helicopter External Sling Load Operations Training Solution

This training solution allows to learn the basics of the sling load operation with mirror and vertical reference technique. Different rope lengths and loads are available. In a junior pilot program, a pilot can be brought up to a professional level, enabling him to handle complex and demanding missions on a simulator and later in a real helicopter. The HESLO module can be added to the H125 FSTD.


  • This add-on to the Loft Dynamics' H125 training solution enables young pilots to learn the basics of flying external sling loads directly on a turbine helicopter, their later working equipment.
  • Thereby operators can save costs as the simulator time is less expensive than the real helicopter. In addition, thanks to a structured training program and a weather and operation independent device young pilots are in a shorter time operative and more efficient during their missions.
  • As the handling of critical situations can be trained, a safer operation is foreseeable.
  • Basic procedures exercises and scenario based training enable the pilots to develop their competencies.
  • Experienced HESLO pilots can teach their experience in a safe environment

System Description:


  • Original cockpit components
  • Operable cockpit
  • Motion system


HESLO specific

  • Different window and mirror options
  • Different rope lengths
  • Different loads
  • Load master simulation