Night Flight Training
Explore night flying in realistic sceneries
The VR technology is predestined to simulate night sceneries. Lights of helipads, airport lighting and the illumination of specific buildings and towns enable to execute night flight training. Loft Dynamic simulates the helicopter lights like rotating beacon and strobe lights realistically.
Credit simulator time towards your night rating
EASA regulation allow to credit 50% of 10 hours helicopter dual instrument instruction time towards the night rating.
- Review basic manoeuvres when flying by sole reference to instruments and discover the transition to instrument flight from visual flight
- Train recovering from unusual attitudes by sole reference to instruments
- Exercise the use of radio navigation aids when flying by sole reference to instruments and to learn position finding and tracking
- Practice the use of radar assistance
This all in most realistic scenarios! Contact one of the training center which operates a Loft Dynamics VR training device.
In traditional simulators you can just exercise flying by sole reference to instruments and applying radionavigation in a theoretical way. The Loft Dynamics training devices enable you to train all these in realistic praxis-oriented scenarios.

Christoph Ammann
Flight Instructor, Airline Pilot, Loft Dynamics